CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
- Courses
- 0 (Registered)

About this Course
This qualification reflects the roles of community services, case management and social housing workers involved in the managing, co-ordinating and/or delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups and communities.
At this level, workers have specialised skills in community services and work autonomously under broad directions from senior management. Workers are usually providing direct support to individuals or groups of individuals. Workers may also have responsibility for the supervision of other workers and volunteers and/or case management; program coordination or the development of new business opportunities.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must complete a minimum 100 hours of work experience as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency.
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Initial Consultation or Information Session
Prior to enrolment, each learner will be required to participate in a no obligation, FREE Initial Consultation with one of our experienced trainers or alternatively attend a FREE information session to ensure you choose the best course for you. To book your FREE Initial Consultation or register for one of the information sessions, complete the enquiry form on the website or contact Head Office on 0410 4658 872 or email:
The Initial Consultation or information session will incorporate discussions regarding:
- Interests, career goals, study goals, individual courses available
- Career prospects and workplace learning program
- Recognition of Prior Learning (including Credit transfer)
- Fees and payment schedule
- Location and delivery modes
- Work placement requirements
- Support services available.
Completion of this Course (Accreditation)
Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a nationally recognised qualification in CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services.
Possible job titles:
Case Worker
Group Facilitator
Program Coordinator/Manager
Family Support Worker
Outreach Worker
Residential (Accommodation/Housing) Worker
Community Development Officer/Trainer
Domestic Violence Support Worker
Welfare Worker
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Course Duration/Delivery mode
Approx 1200 hours (or minimum of 12 months and maximum of 24 months) dependent upon skills, knowledge, capabilities, previous study or experience in industry and study type.
Please note: duration may vary in the event a learner is assessed and recognised through the RPL program. Depending on which delivery mode you choose, can also determine the length of time it may take for you to successfully complete the course.
Part-time or Full time.
Face-to-face, distance learning or blended delivery (combination of both face-to-face and online).
Whilst you may decide to study most of this course as a distance education learner, you are more than welcome to attend any of the face-to-face workshops on offer. This way you get a holistic learning experience – flexibility, study in your own time, engaging with other learners and a trainer to support you throughout the duration of your course.
*Workshop, tutorial and webinar schedules will be posted on the website and updated weekly.
Entry requirements
This course does not have any current entry requirements (or pre-requisite requirements); however, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services recommend the following requirements:
- Minimum age 17 years
- Intermediate level of English (IELTS 4-5)
- Technology requirement – access to a computer (desktop, laptop or tablet)
- Access to the internet
- Participate in an Initial Consultation (prior to enrolment) with one of our qualified and experienced trainers
- Complete workplacement/practical hours (minimum of 100 hours) in an approved workplace/organisation.
All qualifications are Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) products.
Location of Workshops / Tutorials
All face-to-face workshops and tutorial sessions will be held at:
The Creative Fringe
6/47-51 York Rd Jamisontown (Penrith) NSW 2750
(Map available upon request)
Should the location of the workshops/tutorials change, each learner will be notified in advance.
All webinars (for distance education mode) will be accessible via the Online Learner Portal. Learners are required to log into their online portal to access the webinar link.
Course Fees
$4250 (payment plans available).
All Claire Clifford Training and Education Services courses are calculated as Fee for Service. This course is NOT government subsidised.
All Claire Clifford Training and Education Services course fees include a $200 non-refundable Administration fee which is due upfront when enrolling.
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services accepts payment via direct bank deposit, Visa or Mastercard. Refer to payment schedule details below.
Payment options
Direct bank deposit
Branch: Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
BSB: 122 717
Acct No: 22702837
Acct Name: Mind Challenge
Reference: first name and surname
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services accepts Visa and Mastercard payments via Stripe payment system. A recurring invoice will be dispatched fortnightly via email and learners can pay by credit card using this invoice.
Payment Schedule
8 x fortnightly payments (approx. $506 per fortnight). First instalment ($200) due upfront upon enrolment (please note: this is a non-refundable Administration fee).
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will negotiate a payment plan with each individual learner. Once this payment plan has been agreed to and signed off by both Claire Clifford Training and Education Services and the individual learner, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will provide each learner with a recurring invoice (dispatched fortnightly) via email.
Contact Head Office should you have any questions regarding your payment schedule.
Course Resources (inc. Trainer Resources)
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services provide a hard copy Participant Guide (or access to the interactive participant guide (green puzzle piece) via the Online Learner Portal under each individual unit of competency.
Other learning resources available on the Online Learner Portal include a supplementary reading guide, a library guide (listing website resources, video/YouTube links) and resources provided directly by each individual Trainer.
The specific Trainer resources incorporate organisational specific documentation, organisational processes and systems, marketing documents, program/project plans, sample templates and other documents based on individual unit of competency learning outcomes.
Please note: these resources are only available through the Trainer as there are Intellectual Property restrictions.
There is an expectation for all learners to have access to a computer in order to complete the requirements of this course. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will provide each individual learner with the following resources:
- Experienced and well connected trainer
- Individual Training Plan
- Access to the learner online portal (log in details provided upon enrolment)
- Printed Learner Workbooks (containing learning content for each unit of competency). These resources are also available electronically on the Learner Online Portal.
- Course Handbook
- Assessment Guide (for each unit of competency)
- Learning Support Services (a designated Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Trainer)
- Face-to-face workshops and online webinars
- Workplace Learning Booklet and a designated Workplace Learning Coordinator to support you in accessing suitable workplaces
- Additional learning resources (available on the Online Learner Portal)
- Trainers will also provide workplace documentation that will be used in webinars and workshops
- Industry Connections – Job/Employment opportunities board and Job Market Days
- Social Media.
Units of Competency
There are a total of 16 units to complete within this course.
Core Units
CHCDIV003 Manage and promote diversity
CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies
CHCDEV002 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in community work and services
CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
HLTWHS004 Manage work health and safety
Elective Units
CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
CHCYTH001 Engage respectfully with young people
CHCYTH004 Respond to critical situations
CHCYTH010 Provide services for young people appropriate to their needs and circumstances
BSBPMG430 Undertake project work
Workplace Learning Program
This course requires each learner to undertake a minimum of 100 hours in a suitable workplace within the industry.
If you are an existing worker in this industry, you can use your place of work to complete the practical hours and work-based assessments. For those learners who are new to the industry, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will support you to research and find a suitable workplacement. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services have a designated Workplace Coordinator who will support you to obtain a suitable workplace and assess you within the workplace (where required). All units include a work based or simulated assessment. You will require a Workplace Supervisor to sign off on a range of documentation. Once you are enrolled, you will receive a Workplace Learning Booklet which consists of policies and procedures whilst undertaking workplacement and a number of assessments to be completed whilst undertaking the workplace hours. You will need to provide the workplace supervisor with this booklet whilst you are undertaking the workplacement hours. Your trainer/assessor will also be available for support and guidance whilst you are completing the workplace learning program. Upon commencement of this course, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will provide you with a list of suitable organisations for workplacement. We will also discuss with you your own considerations.
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services has qualified and experienced trainers/assessors who will provide quality training and support throughout your learning journey. Your individual trainer will be your key contact for any aspects of your learning, assessments and general support requirements. All Claire Clifford Training and Education Services trainers come with a wealth of knowledge, skills, experience and contacts within the industry and are committed to ensuring your study stays on track and you complete your course! They will provide key insights into the industry and provide you with valuable information throughout your course.
Industry Connections
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services have a strong and committed connection to industry. We work with industry to secure workplacement (work experience) opportunities for each learner and support learners in developing a network during and after completion of this course.
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services trainers regularly participate in networking activities and events to ensure industry currency and professional development. Networking opportunities our learners will have access to during their study includes:
– Job Market Day
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will host 2 x Job Market days (per year) to provide learners the opportunity to meet with a range of businesses regarding job prospects, job application process, interviewing skills, resume writing, etc. Learners can source information, talk to key contacts within organisations and perhaps even participate in an interview for a vacancy. you may leave the job market day with a job!
– Job/Employment Board
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will provide an up-to date job/employment board on the website for all learners to access.
Individual Training Plan
An individual training plan will be developed in consultation with you, your employer (if applicable) and your Claire Clifford Training and Education Services trainer. This plan will include the units to be completed, the method of assessment, delivery mode/s and the learning and assessment time frames. This plan needs to be reviewed and signed by each learner and submitted to your Claire Clifford Training and Education Services trainer within two (2) weeks of you commencing your study. You will be provided with a copy of your individual training plan so you can update this plan as you progress through your course.
Assessment Requirements
This qualification is ungraded. When you successfully complete this course, you will receive a qualification which shows your level of achievement as Competent.
Each assessment event must be successfully completed in order to demonstrate competence in each unit. You will be provided instructions for uploading each assessment via the Online Learner Portal. You will receive feedback on each assessment within 5 working days. If you do not successfully complete an assessment event you will be given the opportunity to resubmit the assessment. Refer to the feedback provided by your assessor. You will have one (1) week to resubmit your assessment, unless other arrangements have been negotiated with your trainer/assessor. Only two (2) attempts may be made on each individual assessment event within your current enrolment.
Assessment methods may include:
- Written tasks
- Case Studies (question and answer format)
- Projects
- Role plays
- Observations
- Simulation activities
- Workplacement activities.
Each learner will be provided with an Assessment booklet for each unit of competency upon enrolment. These booklets can be accessed on the Online Learner Portal.
Submitting assessments electronically
You are required to submit ALL assessments via the Learner online portal (accessible via the website) or where negotiated, via email to your trainer/assessor. Emailing of assessments to your mentor should be negotiated and agreed to prior to assessment submission. Your trainer/assessor will provide their email address and instructions for uploading/submitting your assessments once you are enrolled.
Return of marked assessments
Marked assessments will be returned to you by the relevant trainer/assessor via the Learner online portal within 5-7 days after submission, unless otherwise stated by your trainer/assessor. You need to check your email or Online Learner Portal regularly in case you need to resubmit an assessment. If you experience difficulties completing your assessments, it is important you communicate with your trainer/assessor. You will be provided with contact details of your trainer/assessor.
Tutorials Sessions (Face-to-face and online)
Six (6) sessions will be conducted per week through face-to-face workshops and via webinars (link accessed on the website through the Online Learner Portal). There are two timeslots to accommodate your commitments. A schedule will be posted on the website with the link to the session and the schedule will be updated on a weekly basis. You will also find a copy of the schedule on the Online Learner Portal (Dashboard) upon enrolment. Each session will run for approx. 3 hours – 9am to 12pm and 6pm to 9pm.
Where there are changes to the weekly schedules, all learners will be notified via announcements on the Online Learner Portal, via email and SMS.
All aspects of this course are also available via distance mode. Each learner will be provided with access to the Online Learner Portal once their enrolment has been finalised. This will enable learners to access learning resources, assessment information, webinars, social media, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services policies and procedures and the uploading of completed assessments. Orientation sessions for use of the Online Learner Portal will be provided upon enrolment.
Learning Support Services Available (Language, Literacy & Numeracy – LLN)
At your Initial Consultation or information session, each learner is required to complete a self-assessment task on LLN. Your Claire Clifford Training and Education Services LLN trainer will provide an outline of the services available and discuss the language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment learners need to participate in as part of their learning journey. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services has a designated LLN trainer who will be able to support you as required throughout your learning journey in order to better meet learner needs. The enrolment form also offers an opportunity for learners to identify any other particular needs they might have. Please discuss any concerns with your LLN trainer. It is important for this information to be discussed/provided prior to the enrolment process, to ensure Claire Clifford Training and Education Services provides the best study options and support mechanisms for all learners to succeed. The LLN trainer will ensure that all learners have equitable access to learning resources provided to assist them to address and meet course requirements regardless of the learner’s mode of study or location.
Feedback and improvements
We are constantly improving the way we work. If you have feedback about Claire Clifford Training and Education Services, you can report it to any Claire Clifford Training and Education Services employee. They will record your concerns so they can be dealt with confidentially and promptly. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services aims to provide each learner with the opportunity to study, learn and develop skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Learner rights and responsibilities
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services has a reputation as a safe, progressive and dynamic place to study. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services aims to provide an environment to support quality vocational education and training to benefit individuals, industry, business and wider community. As a Claire Clifford Training and Education Services learner you have a right to:
- Expect that the education and training will be of high quality and consistent with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) regulations and standards.
- Be informed about personal information that is collected about you and the right to review and correct that information.
- Access the learning resources as required either in hard copy or electronic copy.
- Access to Claire Clifford Training and Education Services feedback and complaints handling process.
- Be treated fairly and with respect by trainers, other staff and learners.
- Learn in an environment free of discrimination and harassment.
- Participate in and pursue your educational goals in a supportive and stimulating learning environment (once fees are paid).
- Have access to counselling services.
- Have your Claire Clifford Training and Education Services records and personal information stored and maintained in a confidential, secure and professional manner.
- Receive information about your course, the assessment requirements and procedures, health and safety requirements, and information about support services.
- Receive information on your progress in the course in a timely and professional manner.
- Modify your Individual Training Plan if your circumstances change, in consultation with your trainer.
- Discuss and present Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) at the Initial Consultation and within the duration of your studies.
- Discontinue your studies, advising by the appropriate notification process.
- Lodge a complaint or suggestion for improvement without fear of victimisation or retribution.
As a learner you have a responsibility to treat other learners with respect and fairness, and to not engage in conduct that impairs the reasonable freedom of any person (whether or not a learner) to pursue his or her studies, research or work at Claire Clifford Training and Education Services or on the premises or online/digital platforms. If another learner’s behaviour is interfering with your studies or breaching the Claire Clifford Training and Education Services Student Discipline policy you should feel comfortable to report it. Talk to your trainer about this. For any breach of the Learner Conduct, the CEO will inform the learner of the process, including their right of appeal, the timeframe for action and completion of the process.
Course Withdrawal
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will provide each prospective learner (prior to enrolment), information regarding ‘withdrawal no penalty’ cut off dates which is six (6) weeks after the initial date of enrolment. The cut-off date by which a learner can withdraw from the course and be refunded course fees (with exception to the $200 non-refundable Administration fee). If you have any questions regarding the withdrawal policy, please contact your mentor or the Head Office on 0410 568 872 email:
Learners will be required to complete a Withdrawal Form and submit to Head Office for assessment / processing. A withdrawal will not occur without the completed Withdrawal form.
Refund Policy
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services is committed to working within a fair and transparent framework for the charging of fees, the provision of protection of fees paid in advance and the refund of fees (where applicable). Learners enrolled in this course can request a refund within the first six (6) weeks after the initial date of enrolment. Learners are encouraged to contact their trainer and/or Head Office to discuss the withdrawal and refund policies. Refunds will only be processed once the learner completes and submits the Withdrawal Form (which is available on the website or through Head Office). A refund may take up to two (2) weeks to process.
Please note: the refund will exclude the $200 non-refundable Administration fee.
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services is committed to dealing with appeals and complaints in a timely and constructive way. If you wish to make a complaint or an appeal concerning any aspect of a Claire Clifford Training and Education Services course, the learner should refer to the following process:
Learners have the right to make an appeal against the academic decisions made by Claire Clifford Training and Education Services. Appeals should be made within ten (10) working days of the original decision having been made.
An appeal against an assessment decision can be made on the following grounds:
- the learner was not provided with a clear explanation of the assessment process.
- the leaner’s needs were not taken into consideration where appropriate.
- the assessment process did not meet the requirements of the Training Package.
- the learner genuinely believes there has been an administrative error in the calculation of their assessment marks or
- alleged bias or incompetence of the trainer.
If the appeal is unsuccessful, the learner should lodge a formal complaint in writing to the Chief Executive Officer: or phone 0410 568 872. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will seek to resolve all complaints within 20 days of its receipt, and where a longer period is likely to be required, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will advise in writing with the reasons for this. If you are not satisfied with the quality of service or training being provided by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), there are ways for you to make a complaint. ASQA provides information about making a complaint via this page:
Deferring your study
Please contact your trainer or Head Office if you need to discuss a possible deferment of your course. This will be reviewed and managed on a case-by-case basis.
Changes to Course (course transitions/updates)
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services reserves the right to offer you a new/alternative qualification if the qualification has been updated in line with national industry standards. If any of these course changes/transition become necessary, you will be advised (in advance) of the changes and the alternative arrangements which may be available for you to complete your course.
Transition arrangements must be completed within 12 months of changes (being published on for superseded qualifications and two years for deleted training products (except Skill Sets and units of competency which are 12 months).
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) takes into account previous studies you may have completed as well as life and work experiences. If these experiences are relevant, you may be granted exemptions for parts of your course. This allows for fairer access to studies by ensuring you are not required to duplicate learning you have already achieved. Using the RPL procedure is not simply a matter of assessing time served in a workplace, or amount of experience gained, but the specific and relevant learning that is assessed according to the prescribed competency standards. Applicants need to be committed to supporting their case by locating and providing suitable evidence and documentation. All applicants for RPL are encouraged to discuss this with their trainer prior to commencing the formal application process.
For further information regarding RPL or access to the RPL documentation, please click on the link below.
Credit Transfer (CT)
A key principle of the standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO) is National Recognition (formerly known as mutual recognition), which means that all states, territories and RTOs will recognise qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other RTOs across Australia. If you have completed units of competency from other training packages, you may be eligible for direct credit. You will need to provide certified copies of qualifications for direct credit to be granted.
Computer requirements
To complete your course, you will require a computer (desktop, laptop or tablet) and internet access. Effectively engaging with our online resources will require the ability to:
- Open web pages
- View embedded video and slideshows (e.g., YouTube)
- Download and extract .zip folders
- Open and download .pdf and documents, edit, save and upload documents created in .doc and .docx format.
Minimum specifications for your computer are:
- Microsoft Windows 7 or later a MAC OSX or above
- Microsoft Office
- Up-to-date internet browser
You will also need access to a printer and the following applications:
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
- Adobe Flash Player (free download).
All enrolled learners will obtain access to the learner online portal upon enrolment where they can access all course resources and assessments. All learners will be able to upload all assessments via the learner online portal.
Commitment to your study and learning journey
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services provides a flexible and supportive learning environment where each learner is considered an individual and given every opportunity to achieve their goals, outcomes and success! Claire Clifford Training and Education Services provides a personal trainer who will be with you every step of your learning journey. Your trainer will be available to answer your questions and provide you with their expertise, knowledge and key networks in the industry.
- Your trainer will consistently check in on your progress, facilitate workshops and/or webinars and provide tutorial support where required. They will provide constructive feedback across all assessment tasks and be there to listen.
- We encourage each learner to commit to their study and learning journey.
- Seek support from your trainer, friends, family or workmates in supporting you in your study goals.
- Set aside regular times for online learning and study each week. Try not to deviate from these set times.
- Set clear goals on what you want to achieve, by when, to ensure you achieve your course outcomes. Use your individual training plan to achieve this.
- Engage in the workshops and webinars available.
- These sessions enable you to engage with your trainer and fellow learners. It is an important opportunity to share your learning experiences and reflect on the course materials.
How to get started
Before you enrol
Step 1: Schedule your initial consultation
Complete the Enquiry Form on the website ( or phone Head Office 0410 568 872 to schedule your initial consultation with a trainer.
Step 2: Contact point
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will advise on the enrolment process, services and support available throughout your study.
Step 3: Unique Student Identifier (USI)
If you have not previously undertaken any tertiary education, you will need to obtain your USI (Unique Student Identifier). To access your USI follow the link ( All learners participating in Nationally Recognised Training in Australia need to have a Unique Student Identifier, or USI.
How to obtain a USI?
It is free and easy for you to create your own USI online at Claire Clifford Training and Education Services can also provide any information. If you already have your USI you do not need to apply for a new USI. Your USI stays with you and should be securely stored.
Step 4: Enrol
Complete the enrolment form (on the website or hard copy provided to you at your Initial Consultation). Claire Clifford Training and Education Services will allocate you a trainer.
Step 5: Process course payment
Refer to available payment options and schedule above (under Course Fees section).
Step 6: Welcome email
Each learner will receive a welcome email once their enrolment and payment have been processed. The email will outline the following:
- User log on details for your learner online portal.
- Individual training plan.
- Instructions for navigating the website/accessing the portal.
Step 7: Individual Training Plan
(refer to section on Individual Training Plan)
Step 8: Orientation
Each learner will be encouraged to participate in orientation to the online system. We conduct a regular webinar “getting started”. You will have access to all learning resources you require.
Step 9: Start Learning
You start your training program. Your Individual Training Plan will be constantly reviewed in response to your learning goals and circumstances.
Submit your enrolment application to your mentor or the Head Office. You can enrol online by clicking on the ‘enrol’ tab under each individual courses on this website.
Issuing Qualifications
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services courses are nationally recognised. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services is committed to issuing qualifications that are within its scope of registration. Certificates will be issued in a timely manner and in accordance with the 30 calendar day period stipulated by Clause 3.3 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO). Soft copies of certification documentation will, under no circumstances, be provided prior to the hard copy being posted to a graduate. Under no circumstances will a certificate of graduation be issued prior to full payment of any fees due.
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services is committed to ensuring that its marketing and advertising complies with AQF requirements. It uses the NRT logo only for qualifications within our scope. When using references or endorsements about its products and services, it ensures it has appropriate permissions. All marketing materials are approved by an authorised member of the RTO. The RTO identifies training and assessment services leading to AQF qualifications and/or statements of attainment separately from other training services they might provide.
Privacy Policy
As a Registered Training Organisation, Claire Clifford Training and Education Services is obliged to maintain effective administration and records management systems. This involves the retention of learner records. Learners must have access to their own training records at all times. Should it be deemed necessary, information about learner records can only be divulged to a third party with the written consent of the learner. Learners are able to access their records via the website/learner online portal through their dashboard. Once a learner has graduated, they are able to access their records by emailing If you have concerns about personal information held by Claire Clifford Training and Education Services or require access to the privacy policy, please contact the Chief Executive Officer on 0410 568 872.
Claire Clifford Training and Education Services has a systematic way of ensuring that assessments undertaken are fair, reasonable and consistent with industry best practice. This is articulated in the Assessment Validation guidelines available upon request. Forms detailing assessment validation processes are also available upon request. Claire Clifford Training and Education Services welcome feedback from learners and mentors and are committed to the principle of continuous improvement. We aim to support and strengthen compliance with standards (for Registered Training Organisations) in a way that reflects the growth of Claire Clifford Training and Education Services, encourages innovation and measures and monitors outcomes.
Course Content
Units of Competency
The following units of competency will be undertaken as part of the Diploma of Community Services course.
Learning Resources
Sample Learning Resources
Sample assessments to be completed
Workplace Learning Program
Sample Workplace Learning Booklet
Online Learning
The following information relates to online learning
Related Courses
Challenge yourself now by completing the Mind Challenge enquiry form below or call us on 0410 568 872 to book your initial consultation.
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